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'AOOH helps a brand reach the right people at the right time and at the right moment'

By N Jayalakshmi - April 11, 2022

As OOH increasingly becomes part of convergence, Audio OOH (AOOH) could well become an integral part of it. In an exclusive conversation with Media4Growth/Outdoor Asia, Ryan Fuss, Senior Vice President Global Media Solutions, Stingray talks about the relevance of AOOH as a marketing medium for brands.

Ryan Fuss, Senior VP Global Media Solutions, Stingray Ryan, to start with could you define Audio Out of Home and explain how it works as a brand advertising medium?

AOOH is a growing category that allows marketers to reach their target audience with contextual audio content, while they're in place-based environments like retail. This category is applicable in many retail sectors, and it's growing really fast at grocery, pharmacy, superstore and convenience stores, where brands can have an immediate impact on a consumer’s decision making.

The new category of retail media is really taking off and we are seeing a lot of new budgets being created for retail media. Now retail media could be audio, or video. It could be one-to-one or it could be one-to-many. So, I think brands are seeing that what we bring fits into their retail media buckets.

We pioneered AOOH in Canada and announced our partnership with COMMB, the Canadian Out-of-Home Marketing and Measurement Bureau, which is Canada's trusted source of data insights and measurement. We created this new methodology following the approval of COMMB’s Committee and the Board of Directors and it's all about measuring and reporting digital audio ads in place based environments.

What makes audio so effective in a place-based environment?

Audio lets a shopper do multiple things, unlike say in the case of a screen in the aisle. They don't have to focus on anything, they just have to hear the ad when it's loud enough. That gives an advertiser the ability to reach everyone in the store, not just somebody in an aisle who sees a screen or an ad. So I think that audio really lends itself to place-based environments very well, where consumers are doing more than one thing at once.

Could you elaborate more on the specific advantages that AOOH offers as a medium to  brands?

AOOH cuts through multiple messages and gives advertisers undiluted share of space and access to an unrivalled composition of principal shoppers. 

There seems to be growing interest among retailers and advertisers connecting with consumers in place-based environments through audio. The fact is that much of the shopping and purchases still happens in the brick and mortar locations, but there's never been a bridge between the digital world and the physical world that allows an agency or a brand to capture a consumer’s attention the same way that they can when a consumer is watching a video on YouTube or seeing an ad on an e-comm site. So, we at Stingray have created that bridge and now we make it easy for an advertiser to tap those millions of people every day in a grocery store or a retail environment the same way that they buy other digital place-based media. We've made it easy for them and we also do that in programmatic monetisation through our exclusive partnership with Hivestack.

AOOH in a sense takes convergence to a whole new level right?

Absolutely! The thing is that a brand speaking to a consumer in a grocery store isn't a new concept at all. But what we've done is that we've taken a proven approach and modernised it. This isn’t radio, this is dynamic ad insertion. We've created a measurement that allows you to get an agency to buy people in a store the same way that they buy other digital place-based media. And we've coupled this with a sophisticated playspace app server, it’s a WiFi platform through Hivestack. Now brands can buy programmatic, guaranteed private marketplace deals.

In future both audio and video could be working together - a retail environment where all of the screens have ads that are synced to the audio to reach everyone in the store through sight and sound. Beyond retail, it could be used anywhere where there are  consumers. 

Read the complete, detailed interview in the April 2022 edition of Outdoor Asia.


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