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How to make your outdoor campaign go viral

By - August 21, 2023

Prerna Mehra, Creative Director & Head of Design, MullenLowe MENA writes that the true magic happens when creativity seamlessly merges with addressability, while harnessing the power of imaginative thinking, storytelling, shareability, and gamification

Prerna Mehra, Creative Director & Head of Design, MullenLowe MENA Now that I have your attention, let's dive into the captivating world of DOOH Advertising and uncover the secrets to making your ad go viral with just four syllables: D-O-O-H. #READBAIT!!

Creativity lies at the heart of advertising, and in today's digital landscape, dynamic DOOH advertising seamlessly combines creativity with targeted messaging to reach individuals at the right time and in the right place. As traditional OOH advertising gradually gives way to the dynamic possibilities of DOOH, it opens doors to more interactive and gamified experiences. The true magic happens when creativity seamlessly merges with addressability. Real-time data will continue to play a pivotal role in informing data-driven decisions that can be swiftly implemented.

DOOH excels at this precise art of blending creativity and addressability. The integration of real-time first- and third-party data empowers brands to create astonishing experiences, employing tools such as sensors, GPS, and cameras to deliver personalised and memorable interactions that speak directly to each individual. And lastly, the integration of DOOH with AI is becoming harder to ignore.

Imagine: You're walking down the bustling streets of the city, surrounded by towering buildings and vibrant billboards. You are talking to the heads down generation who is OP‘d (Short for "Overpowered") by life updates or in the Grind (Referring to the act of spending time and effort to level up or acquire in-game resources) (can’t help it, you got to talk like them if you gotta’ talk to them). They don't have time to look up at ads or billboards, unless the billboards personally address them, engage them, and play their game!  For instance, IKEA WINDOW SHOPPING effectively engaged its audience by placing IKEA showrooms in real Toronto living spaces and turning the windows into IKEA billboards.

Tell a story: The art of storytelling is a powerful tool in integrated communications and omni-channel marketing. DOOH takes storytelling to new heights by leveraging its dynamic capabilities. For example, a DOOH ad for a newly launched book can feature a series of short videos introducing the characters and piquing the curiosity of passersby, interacting with them, surprising them. Ahh! Using the power of storytelling, DOOH ads can create emotional connections and leave a lasting impact on viewers. The winner of the grand prix at Cannes this year was a real-time user-generated DOOH campaign called A BRITISH ORIGINAL, which told multiple real time stories, a unique story to for every media.

Share the magic: Linking physical to digital creates immersive street theatre, the kind of experiences people want to share on social, making the medium punch above its weight. In today's social media-driven world, shareability is key. DOOH ads have embraced this concept by creating content that people want to share with their friends and followers. It could be a compelling wallpaper or an idea that touches their hearts. GEORGINA'S BILLBOARD COLLECTION, for instance, offered a chance to win unique bags by sharing a photo of the billboard with a specific hashtag. The campaign took the internet by storm and helped the show top the charts in Spain, creating a viral impact.

Play the game: Gamification adds a playful twist to outdoor advertising, making it more engaging, interactive, and memorable. By incorporating game-like elements into DOOH ads, brands can ignite the spirit of competition and encourage active participation from the audience. NIKE’S "UNLIMITED STADIUM" is a great example, where participants could race against a digital avatar of themselves on a massive DOOH installation shaped like a running track. This immersive experience not only promoted physical activity but also showcased Nike's commitment to inspiring athletes.

Creativity and ideas are the driving force behind successful DOOH advertising campaigns. DOOH has revolutionised the creative possibilities of outdoor advertising, offering dynamic displays, AR experiences, interactive engagement, and compelling storytelling. By harnessing the power of imaginative thinking, storytelling, shareability, and gamification, you can make your outdoor campaign go #viral. Think outside the box, and let your ideas take flight. With DOOH, the possibilities are endless, and if your campaign has the potential to captivate audiences, spark conversations then nothing can stop you from making a viral impact in the ever-evolving digital landscape. #NotaReadbaitAfterall


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