Big Data key to identifying right audiences: Daniel Cuende

By: Swaminathan Balasubramanian

Last updated : July 30, 2018 10:08 am

In the digital era, Big data is emerging as critical to finding the minute details on the viewing patterns of consumers exposed to OOH

Daniel Cuende, Director, Cuende Infometrics, Spain, spoke on the topic ‘How info metrics can enhance OOH competitive positioning’ at the Outdoor Advertising Convention. Speaking on the global guidelines on out-of-home audience measurement, he said, “The measurement of OOH media audiences in most countries relies on a combination of survey data and mobility modelling to enable the audience for all the panels to be estimated sufficiency accurately for the market to operate while keeping the cost of measurement to an acceptable level.”

He also spoke at large on the importance of big-data integration as a part of identifying customers. He even showed some examples of traffic pattern through big data integration. He showed examples of how automatic analysis of satellite images he managed to get OOH from Big Data. According to him, integration of travel habits survey provides data and insights on demographic, traffic, and media consumption. Speaking on TripAtlas, he demonstrated the complete representation of all the movements of people on the streets.

Cuende presented some of the factors to be considered before going for an OOH campaign. For example, on zones of visibilities, he said that factors like visual sharpness, location, size, orientation, obstacles, movement direction related to the panel should be considered. He also spoke on how to calculate optimum visibility zone.

Daniel Cuende Cuende Infometrics

First Published : July 30, 2018 10:06 am