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Patna media owners willing to cooperate with Nagar Nigam

Advertising Welfare Association Bihar representing the local media owners has initiated a dialogue with the authority to find a solution beneficial for both parties involved



The stringent step taken by Patna Nagar Nigam to remove all outdoor media in the city has put the local outdoor media business in a quandary. The local Advertising Welfare Association Bihar has taken up the responsibility to safeguard the businesses of media owners and deal with the authority to sort this issue. As shared by the Advertising Welfare Association Bihar’s President Sona, the first round of meetings with the Commissioner of the Patna Municipal Corporation was conducted where they discussed the issues and understood the authority’s vision for the city as well as outdoor advertising.

“Outdoor advertising is one of the oldest businesses in the city where thousands of people are associated with it as owners and employees. So we certainly wouldn’t want those people to be affected by the removal of hoarding completely out of the city. We respect the vision of the authority and absolutely ready to co-operate with them in making Patna a smart city. Therefore, our request to the authority would be to transform the existing legal media into the new-age format as per their vision – such as, new structures, sizes and LED boards instead of banning the outdoor advertising. We are ready to invest in such media and work on their new guidelines,” said Sona in exclusive statement to Media4Growth.

The association will be meeting the authority again in the coming week to extend the dialogue r and arrive on common grounds.  


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