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OAAWB resolves to take firm steps for betterment of industry

At the 42nd AGM of the association, the new committee of office bearers has delineated the steps to implement the SOP for OOH business in the region, expand the association’s membership, engender more transparency in the business and address the long-standing issue of mushrooming unauthorised media.



The Outdoor Advertising Association of West Bengal (OAAWB) at its 42nd Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) held on April 22 has taken a firm resolve to make the association truly representative, implement the SOP for OOH business in the region, expand the association’s membership, engender more transparency in the business and address the long-standing issue of mushrooming unauthorised media. The AGM, conducted in the presence of Debasish Kumar, MMIC, Advertising, Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) who was the Chief Guest on the occasion, also welcomed the new office bearers of the association.

Kesto Saha of Karukrit Advertising Pvt. Ltd has assumed the role as Chairperson of OAAWB, while Arup Choudhary of Keen Publicity Pvt Ltd is the new President of the body. The elected Vice Presidents are Aninda Banerjee of Enkon Pvt. Ltd, Amitava Pradhan of Shree Advertisers, Dipak Samanta of Image Ad, and Jaydeep Sen of J. D. Advertising.

Sudeep Satya Ganguly of Accord Advertising Pvt. Ltd has taken over as Secretary, and Satinder Roy of Sampark Advertising as the Assistant Secretary. Biman Roy Chowdhury of Publicity Bureau of India is the Treasurer and Soumen Ch. Lodh of Sun Ad is the Joint Treasurer.
The Governing Body Members are Murli Manohar Jaiswal of Surya Ads, Pankaj Das of Peedee Advertising Pvt. Ltd, Deepak Manek of Sight, Sutanu Mahanty of Blue Dreamz, Joydeep Mukherjee of Artage, and Rahul Biswas of Arun Sign Service Pvt. Ltd.

Speaking about the association’s agenda, Arup Chowdhury told Media4Growth, “Apart from the elections that we organised, our main agenda for the AGM were matters like successful implementation of the SOP for our trade, call for new membership, having one representative from each affiliated district associations in West Bengal to be there in the governing body and that individuals will also have the right to vote in the consequent AGMs of the association. Also, we are looking at procuring some fund for the association to build a lodging facility at some outstation tourism spots for the members of the trade. We will be seeking funds from the big outdoor media owners who have a good turnover to help us in this matter as well.”

Sudeep Ganguly said, “With this new committee our main motto is to take the outdoor trade as well as the association to the next level and help the business grow more in a structured manner as much as possible. We will be coming up with stringent rules and regulations to make the growth opportunities more beneficial while safeguarding the rights of outdoor media owners.”


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